Freemasonry Report
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Does Freemasonry have it’s own Motorcycle Clubs?

Does Freemasonry have it’s own Motorcycle Clubs? Yes, Freemason Motorcycle Clubs do exist. Not every Grand Lodge acknowledges every one of them.  The most popular Masonic MC’s are: The Widows Sons; The Low Twelve; The Temple Guard; The Seekers of the Light; The Ruffians; The Free Runners; Hiram’s Travelers; Stone Templars; & The Stolen Souls; plus numerous others not listed.   Also, the Shrine has a big Harley Motorcycle unit in each of their regional locations around the country.

Why does Freemasonry allow Motorcycle Clubs?

Simply, the Freemasons are a caring friendly group of men interested in doing fun things together. Riding a motorcycle is just another way for Masons to meet and have fellowship with each other. All Masonic MCs are not ‘one percenters’ and they generally don’t have 3 part/piece patches on their jackets. No Freemason club is an outlaw club. They are good men who enjoy riding with their brothers.

How the Masonic Membership setup for a Masonic Motorcycle Club?

Membership in a club is defined in numerous levels. These are similar to most mainstream biker / riding clubs. They are defined as – Full Patch Members, Associate

Freemasonry Report - Square and Compass
Freemasonry Report – Square and Compass

Members,Prospects, and Hang Arounds. Each club will define these in detail but this article is simply sharing the norm.  It is wise to ask for the membership levels / dues and sharing your Masonic Membership card prior to joining any club.  It is also important to understand what the bylaws and code of conduct for the members in the club would be as well. Most clubs require a minimum bike’s engine size to be a club member too.

The average code of conduct for a Freemason Biker Club is very straightforward. It will tell all it’s members that they are expected to conduct themselves in a manner so as to bring honor and respect to the club at all times. Further, any actions, by a member, deemed detrimental to the organization, shall be cause for review under the disciplinary procedures and could result in discipline up to or including suspension or expulsion from membership. Lastly, if the actions very un-Masonic in nature – a brother can be brought up on charges in his blue lodge or grand lodge.

Masonic motorcycle riding clubs are not like the Sons of Anarchy show from the television. At no time should any Master Mason become associated with 1% or “outlaw” organizations. Such association shall be deemed grounds for immediate suspension and possible revocation of membership. Further, it could be deemed as un-Masonic in some Grand Lodges. This could cause the Brother Mason to be removed from the fraternity if he is found guilty of these charges. Further, MC members may join or be associated with other charitable Riding Clubs. Such as the Patriot Guard, Bikers Against Child Abuse or Bikers Against Animal Cruelty. Each club has the right to grant approval of the Club’s Membership or by the club’s leadership. Other clubs may request the member surrender his patch and resign the club. So it is good to ask these questions prior to joining.


There are requirements to be a Full Patch Member in the club.  Here is a list of some generally accepted requirements for a Brother Mason to be ready for prior to joining:

  1. He shall be a Master Mason in Good Standing with his Blue Lodge.
  2. The Brother Mason must possess a valid motorcycle operator license.
  3. He must possess current motorcycle registration and insurance.
  4. Proof of ownership of a 500cc or larger cruiser style motorcycle.
  5. Successfully completed or passed the minimum time as a prospect.
  6. The brother must be elected to membership by a unanimous vote of the members.
  7. The Master Mason status does not automatically make a member. Final determination of membership shall be based on meeting all the Full Patch requirements.

There are requirements to be a Prospect Member in the club.  Here is a list of some generally accepted requirements for a Brother Mason to be ready for prior to joining:

  1. He should be a Master Mason, Fellow Craft or Enter Apprentice in good standing with his Blue Lodge.
  2. The brother needs to be sponsored by a Full Patch Member of the club.
  3. Proof of owning and riding a 500cc or larger cruiser style motorcycle that is in good working order.
  4. Agreeing to requests during the prospect period
  5. Understanding that as a prospect, he still must be voted on for this status by a unanimous vote of the members.
  6. Successfully complete all hang-around requirements.
  1. Any man that is recommended by a Full Patch Member. Some clubs use this as recruiting tool for the Blue Lodge
  2. He should possess a valid motorcycle operator license.
  3. The man should possess current motorcycle registration and insurance.
  4. He needs to show an dedicated interest in joining the Club
  5. The man wants to obtain more information by riding with and attending Club functions. If he not a Freemason, he should inquire on how to join.
  1. He shall be a Master Mason in Good Standing with his Blue Lodge.
  2. The Brother Mason must possess a valid motor vehicle operator license.
  3. He must possess current vehicle registration and insurance.
  4. The is brother should be willing to help and assist any member with cycle issues.
  5. Successfully completed or passed the minimum time as a prospect.
  6. The brother must be elected to membership by a unanimous vote of the members.
  7. The Master Mason status does not automatically make a member. Final determination of membership shall be based on a voting meeting of all the Full Patch / Associate Members.

Does Freemasonry have it’s own Motorcycle Clubs? – Leadership of the Masonic Biker Club

Freemason Motorcycle ClubsUnderstanding who are the Officers and What responsibilities is important to understand prior to joining too. The main club officers are elected by the club. Normally, these officer roles are as follows – President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Executive Board Members . Furthermore, the requirement of an elected position is normally one year in the office, on time with dues payments, and the brother should be a full patched member. But, some clubs are smaller or have dedicated Masons with longer terms of office. Lastly, any valid challenge for office is made by a full patched member or by a vote of no confidence is held based on gross negligence if necessary.

Additional officers appointed can be a Sergeant at Arms, a Road Captain, and a Tail Gunner. Some clubs have several brothers serving in these roles while other clubs mandate only one man can be appointed in a given 12 month period. These positions are generally appointed only by the President and/or the Vice President.

What does the Masonic Motorcycle Club President do?

Here is a brief overview of what some of his executive duties normally are:

  • To preside over meetings of both the Executive Board and the Club as a whole.
  • To judge items not covered in the rules and regulations.
  • To act as the personal representative of the Club in the area of public relations, as a liaison between the MC and Grand Lodges, blue lodges, local law enforcement agencies and as a connecting link between motorcycle Clubs.
  • To represent the Club in any Club business contacts and to supervise major economic transactions unless delegated to another member for business purposes only.
  • To assist officers in the interpretation of their Club responsibilities, and to promote Club life among member in general.
  • To be a member of the Combined Executive Committee.

What does the Masonic Biker Club Vice President do?

Here is a brief overview of what some of his executive duties normally are:

  • To assume the responsibilities of the presidency when the President is unable to do so.
  • To oversee Prospect progress and present a report during the regular meeting.
  • To be a member of the combined Executive Committee.
  • To manage committees and report on their progress

What does the Masonic Biker Club Secretary do?

Does Freemasonry Have Motorcycle Clubs?
Does Freemasonry Have Motorcycle Clubs?

The executive duties of the secretary are as follows:

  • To record and safeguard the minutes of the Club meetings.
  • To maintain the Club Bylaws, recording any additions, deletions or modifications.
  • To handle any Club correspondence.
  • To collect all money from the membership, create a receipt and pay the same to the Treasurer.
  • To Record beginning and ending balances monthly for reporting at church.
  • To act as a connecting link between motorcycle Clubs and solicitors.

What does the Masonic Biker Club Treasurer do?

The executive duties of the treasurer are as follows:

  • To receive all money from the Secretary and deposit upon receipt.
  • To monitor and record the Club’s income and expenditures.
  • To collect the dues and fines owing by members.
  • To Maintain full accounting details and present full reports with bank statements for audit.

What does the Masonic Biker Club Executive Board Member do?

The elected board members shall constitute the Executive Committee along with the all the elected officers and sometimes the Sergeant at Arms. All members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum present. Electronic meetings shall be authorized. The executive committee is responsible for:

  • The monitoring of conflicts within the Club.
  • The application of disciplinary procedures.
  • The evaluation of prospects and their progress.
  • Presentation of the state of the Club to all members.
  • To make minor decisions on behalf of the Club when approval from the membership is not readily available (ex. Flowers for a funeral or other function).

What does the Masonic Biker Club Sergeant at Arms do?

The duties of the Sergeant at Arms are as follows:

  • To maintain order at Club meetings in particular, and Club activities in general.
  • To ensure that members adhere to Club rulings, policies, and expected models of conduct when dealing with other members or outsiders.
  • To defend Club members and Club property from outside threats.
  • To enforce Club rules.
  • To protect and serve the President.
  • Is the only Club Member allowed to break rank while riding to protect the Club.
  • Responsible for storing and maintaining Club paraphernalia (ex, Patches).

What does the Masonic Biker Club Road Captain do?

The executive duties of the road captain are as follows:

  • To plan the travel routes and organize the basic itinerary of the Club prior to going on a “Run”.
  • To lead the Club in formation during a run.
  • To enforce Club rules and procedures for group riding.
  • The Road Captain is in charge while riding.

What does the Masonic Biker Tail Gunner do?

The executive duties of the tail gunner are as follows:

  • To follow and start the requested action from the Road Captain when safe to do so.
  • To assist in Club safety when performing road maneuvers.

As the website author, I am spending hours researching article topics and answering popular questions readers think about.  Take time to read more articles on Masonic Gear or Freemasonry 101 to learn more about the Freemason fraternity now. Thanks!


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